617888九五至尊娱乐 activisists with science banner at protest
嘉梁/ UCS


Safety, 正义, and wellbeing, no matter the temperature.

Safety, 正义, and wellbeing, no matter the temperature.


The fight for a safe, livable climate is happening 现在在不断恶化的情况下. 尽管最近有所增长, the fossil fuel industry and their deep-pocketed allies continue to block the climate action we all need.

但未来远未消失. 在这一刻,活动家们 就像你一样 are working together to transform their communities, so that people and places can thrive no matter 什么 我们的617888九五至尊娱乐未来.

变换是什么样子的? Safe, energy-efficient, affordable housing that’s built to last. Clean energy and transportation systems that equitably serve community needs. Cohesive, connected neighborhoods that safely weather new climate disasters.

这是一个超越生存的世界. It’s a world with drastically lower carbon emissions, 为安全而重建, 正义, 和幸福, 人们可以茁壮成长的地方. That's the world—the future—we're fighting for. 你可以帮忙.


617888九五至尊娱乐 resilience encompasses everything from the reliability of our electric grid, to the sustainability of our food systems, 获得清洁, 安全饮用水. Together with activists and supporters, we are:

  1. 生产617888九五至尊娱乐 that supports the needs and demands of people affected by 617888九五至尊娱乐变化—and using our influence to get the science in front of decision makers.
  2. 制作、游说和倡导 for urgent near-term and transformational long-term climate solutions.
  3. 放大 the voices and priorities of those affected first and worst
