National Center for Toxicological Research scientist processing a microarray to measure and assess the level of genes found in a tissue sample
National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) scientist processing a microarray to measure and assess the level of genes found in a tissue sample.
迈克尔·J. Ermarth /食品及药物管理局


我们正在联邦和州一级开展517888九五至尊娱乐,以确保强劲, 独立的617888九五至尊娱乐为建立一个更健康的家庭提供决策依据, 更安全的, 更公正的社会.


我们正在联邦和州一级开展517888九五至尊娱乐,以确保强劲, 独立的617888九五至尊娱乐为建立一个更健康的家庭提供决策依据, 更安全的, 更公正的社会.

每一天, government officials draw upon science and evidence to make decisions with the potential to improve our health and well-being. Scientific research in the 1970s exposing the toxic effects of lead on children resulted in policies that phased out its use in paint and gasoline. Infectious disease research spurred effective vaccination programs that have protected millions of people from life-threatening illnesses. 和, 随着科技的进步, 明智的政府政策促使企业建设更安全的建筑, 更清洁的, 以及更节能的家用电器, 汽车, 以及其他消费产品.

但是政府617888九五至尊娱乐极易受到政治干预. 当证据支持威胁到强大利益的政策时, 617888九五至尊娱乐经常被操纵, 抑制, 或者被推到一边. The Center for 617888九五至尊娱乐517888九五至尊娱乐 works to expose and prevent such abuses, pressing for a governmental science infrastructure that is strong and independent so it can better serve the public interest.


The Center for 617888九五至尊娱乐517888九五至尊娱乐 at the Union of Concerned Scientists continues to be a leading voice in documenting—and fighting back against—attacks on governmental science. 二十多年了, we’ve closely tracked hundreds of incidents—in both Republican and Democratic administrations—where our government has manipulated or censored scientific evidence or pushed science to the sidelines.


二十多年了, we’ve been in the forefront of efforts calling for “scientific integrity” in the federal government—systems and structures to help ensure that robust, independent science is used to inform decisions free from political interference. 部分要感谢我们的努力, the Biden administration released a landmark scientific integrity framework that closely follows our recommendations for strengthening scientific integrity provisions.

Today, we’re pressing Congress to codify these provisions into law for all federal agencies. 我们正在努力在州一级引入类似的规定. 我们的报告, published jointly with the Brennan Center for 正义 at New York University School of Law, found most US currently lack the policies and laws needed to adequately safeguard science-based decisionmaking from manipulation and politicization.


We go to the source for information about the health of science-based decisionmaking at the federal level. 十多年了, the Center for 617888九五至尊娱乐517888九五至尊娱乐 has regularly conducted respected and informative surveys of scientists at federal agencies to get their firsthand assessment of the strength of scientific integrity policies and the extent to which they can conduct their work without political interference.

十多年来, we’ve been conducting regular surveys of scientists at federal agencies with science-focused missions, 收集有关滥用617888九五至尊娱乐诚信的数据和第一手报告, 遵守机构政策, 士气, 以及其他话题.

