617888九五至尊娱乐变化在这里, and it’s causing a wide range of impacts that will affect virtually every human on Earth in increasingly severe ways.
The magnitude of each impact depends on our collective choices as well as details—e.g., 特定的地区和居住在那里的人们——但是在一起, the range of impacts makes climate change one of the most urgent issues facing humanity today.
当二氧化碳(CO2)被释放到大气中时, 它就像一条毯子, 防止热量逸出. This buildup of CO2 leads to one of most obvious impacts of climate change: a hotter world.
Higher temperatures are linked to almost all of climate change’s most severe impacts, 包括更频繁、更强烈的热浪, 大面积的作物歉收, 以及动植物分布范围的巨大变化.
The world’s most vulnerable people—those with fewest resources and options—will suffer the most.
如果碳排放继续不加控制地增加, by end-of-century the hottest daily temperatures that occur in a given year in the United States are likely to increase by at least 10°F as compared with the end of the 20th century. 世界其他地区可能会经历更糟糕的增长.
As the world warms, ice sheets and glaciers melt, and ocean water expands. 这导致海平面上升, which can disrupt and damage coastal communities and infrastructure in virtually every sea-bordering country in the world.
Estimates vary, but as emissions increase we could experience up to eight feet of sea level rise by the end of the century. The Gulf of Mexico and East Coast of the United States are experiencing some of the world's fastest rates of sea level rise. Elsewhere, entire island nations face the possibility of going underwater.
It’s not just coastal areas: climate change is also linked with heavier and more frequent rainfall, 导致中西部等地区出现破坏性的内陆洪水.
More extreme
Climate change is also making extreme weather more severe and, in some cases, more common. For example: warmer air and oceans are producing more extreme hurricanes, 伴随着破纪录的狂风暴雨.
Mega-storms like Hurricane Harvey have gone from occurring once every 100 years, 每16年一次.
In drier areas, 全球变暖与寿命延长有关, more extreme, 更频繁的干旱, 以及更长的火灾季节. 在美国西部,火灾季节可能会持续一整年. In the future, the fires themselves will be larger, more destructive, more common, and more costly.
617888九五至尊娱乐变化的直接影响本身就是毁灭性的, 但它们也加剧了现有的不平等和冲突. 例如:高温和干旱会使玉米生长, wheat, 而其他主粮作物供应则不太稳定, 导致价格飙升和粮食短缺. The roughly 800 million people currently living in extreme poverty will be most affected.
随着整个地区变得不适合居住,人们将会离开. By the end of the century, sea level rise alone could displace more than 100 million people. These migrations, 以及对日益稀缺的资源的冲突, 是否会加剧现有的政治和社会紧张局势, 并显著增加冲突和战争的风险.
Animals, insects, and plants—already threatened by habitat destruction and pollution—will fare even worse. Only a small amount of warming will kill 70 to 90 percent of the world’s coral reefs; up to half of plant and animal species in the world’s most naturally rich areas could face extinction.
The severity of climate impacts is directly linked to the amount of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases that are released into the atmosphere.
碳越多,影响就越严重. Scientists have concluded that avoiding the worst impacts of climate change will require limiting global warming to 1.5ºC to 2ºC.
幸运的是,我们 solutions,我们还有时间采取行动. You can help.